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Curtains intrigued Maiko Kurogouchi, as it conveyed another world or space on the other side of the curtain, the sense of people living. What Kurogouchi enjoyed, was imagining what was beyond the curtain. Who was living on the other side, what kind of life they spent. Due to limitations on travelling, unable to apply the usual process in designing, she matched fabric to imaginary windows or thought of fabrics to create, hoping to design garments that would bring the same mysterious sense of the curtains.
Spring awakening, Kurogouchi arranged flowers in her room using Lily and Iris, celebrating the seasons Japan has to offer. Seeing the flowers with the swaying curtain, it reminded her of the scenery in a Japanese garden with lilies and iris coexisting, deciding to express this with numerous embroideries. Embroideries were made in different locations all around Japan, such as Fukui prefecture and Gunma prefecture, fusing the different sceneries the embroideries created into one garment. Unlike past collections where embroideries were layered on the fabric, holes were made on the fabric to create the transparency to convey the warmth of the person across the other side of the curtain. The creation of a curtain timeless to the wearer, beautifully dresses the wearer as the window was.