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For the 2019 FW collection, designer Maiko Kurogouchi, for the second time after the previous collection, documented her daily life with notes, photos and drawing in an attempt to once again gaze into her daily life as well as to bring in more experimental approaches to the collection making.
Life is a repetition of every day living. Life does not offer you something spectacle out of nowhere. But if you gaze into the daily life that exists in front of you like it should, it reminds you of particles of beauty that might have not caught your attention before.
The inspirations for the latest collection were found in between reality and fiction, scattered all over different cultures, times and language zones Kurogouchi traveled through.
During these 99 days she documented her life, the blue colour pallet emerged from a series of chance encounters: the way blue bath salt dissolved into bath water, shades of indigo blue in fabrics from Edo era, and faded blue in fragments of early Imari pottery. Traditional matsuri (or festival) cloths inspired her to develop a new textile and odd and unrealistic occurrences in her dreams were turned into collaged knitwears. She reexamined traditions, redefined universal ideas, and updated existing materials by her own manner.
The collection titled the Second Diary started out from Kurogouchi's personal and intimate perspectives, travelled through various destinations both in Japan and abroad, and was completed through her design.
THE STORY by Mame Kurogouchi will trace her steps of looking for inspirations as well as stories around Japanese craftsmanship that brings her collection into life.
Mame Kurogouchi 2019年FWコレクションへのアプローチは、デザイナー黒河内真衣子が自身の日常を改めて見つめ直すと同時に、コレクション製作における実験的なアプローチを導入するために、日々の生活で目にしたものや、感じたこと、夢に見たことを記録するという、昨シーズンから続く試みを再開する事から始まった。
The Second Diaryは、黒河内真衣子のきわめてパーソナルで親密な起点から始まり、国内外のデスティネーションを経由して構築されたコレクションである。
THE STORY by Mame Kurogouchiでは本コレクション完成までの旅路を、黒河内のインスピレーションから日本各地の職人による生産背景の物語と共に、全8回のストーリーで紡いでいく。