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One element emerged in Maiko Kurogouchi's 99 day long documentation of her daily life was her dreams. From her childhood, Maiko always had strong, lucid dreams that at times felt hyper real.
In one dream, she found herself on a dark street in the night, running into and getting swallowed by a fog of organdy curtains. Or was it really a dream, she wondered.
That dream led her to come up with dainty drapes to cover sleeves of knitwear and dresses.
Things happen in dreams in ways impossible in the actual world. Letters form themselves on the wall, and mirrors float in a marsh.
Maiko would open one door to find herself in her childhood home. Disconnected places are connected in the dreams. Settings in the real world are often overruled and characters switch places. The gravity turns upside down.
The improbable phenomenon in the dreams inspired “Dream patchwork knit”. Details from multiple styles were deconstructed and reconstructed from what it should be, collaged together and became the season's signature knit top and dress.
Attached to the collar is a patch of jacquard rib. Asymmetrical cuts appear irregularly in the side and at the bottom. A doubled layered mesh blurs the line and space between the body and the knit. The repetition of the liking and sewing gave the forms to what Maiko took away from her dreams. Given the new way of thinking, the conventional techniques achieved new expressions. Leaving some parts blank and uncompleted added another feeling and texture.
Looking back, the border between the dreams and the actual world was constantly blurred. Inspirations from daily life, sceneries from her travels and the world she saw in the dreams are fused together and became a collection.
コレクションの創作中にダイアリーに書き溜めた黒河内真衣子の99日間の「日常の記録」において、特に多く割かれた記述のひとつに「夢」があった。 幼い頃から、強く劇的で、ときには実感すら伴うたくさんの夢を見てきた。
現実世界では起き得ないことが、夢の中では起きる。 壁には突然文字が現れ、沼には鏡が浮かぶ。
つながるはずのない世界が、夢の中ではつながる。 扉を開けたら実家に着いていた。 設定は覆され、人物は入れ替わり、重力は反転する。
それが「夢のつぎはぎニット」になった。 本来であれば1枚の服の中に共存しないはずの小さな要素は、おもちゃのパーツのように本来あるべき姿から解体され、コラージュされ、ニットトップスとドレスへと生まれ変わった。
振り返ると、夢の記憶と現実の出来事が曖昧になっていた。 日常、旅先の風景、夢で見た世界、すべてが混じり合ってひとつのコレクションになった。